Day 8: Digital Minimalism Lessons from week 1

So a week into my experiment with digital minimalism. Have I noticed a difference and what has contributed to its success or failure. I certainly have noticed some differences. In summary these are:

  • My phone is used significantly less. Previously, it might have been activated over 60 times a day, this week is more like four or five times.
  • Phone usage is now limited to phone, camera and occasional Pokemon activity.
  • I haven’t accessed Facebook or other social media in the past seven days which has given me around 1-2 hours per day of my life back.

What have the key take-away points been that have made this possible without really missing the absence of social media?

  • Easily top of the list is removing social media apps from my phone. I took the opportunity to reduce all apps on my phone to those that I absolutely need. As examples, these include internet banking and parking apps but not Facebook, Messenger or similar distractors.
  • Have a list of things you’ve wanted to get around to doing if you had the time (which you now have)
  • Keep a daily log (manual) noting any triggers that prompt you to seek to check social media or similar sites. Also, note the trend in ‘temptation’ – I noted my pull from Facebook diminished after around five days.

Would I consider the week a success – very much so. Will I carry on next week? Absolutely.

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