I know a few people are following this digital minimalism trial which can put some pressure to document things even when they’re not that significant. I’ve decided not to fall for that option.

I’ve not much to report today, other than recognising I’m not missing much about Facebook. I’m conscious I’m out of touch with some relatives and friends where no other means of contact is available, but that isn’t enough to go rushing back today or tomorrow.
I’ll give some thought in due course to those people whose contact I miss and how I might replace that in a less intrusive and damaging medium. I also suspect any future use of Facebook (yet to decide) would be very different with a particular purpose and probably a lot less ‘friends’. However, those are considerations for another day. At the moment, I’m rather enjoying the absence of social media.
The only other matter I’ve noticed is how hard it is to ditch Facebook from your phone or browser even if you’re not using the application. It hasn’t stopped me from doing it, but it does mean those simple logon with Facebook options aren’t available.
It also highlights how those convenient tools are really anchors to give another reason for the application to be retained on your phone and laptop. So, it’s been a tough day removing all those easy access options, but it’s akin (I’m told) to removing your dealer’s number from your contacts list. I repeat the reference because, interestingly, it’s a continuing reference from the language of addiction.
I’ve picked up my phone five times today all for calls which is refreshing. A day out tomorrow and I intend to have a very enjoyable day.